Monday, March 22, 2010

VirtualBox Shared Folder in Linux Guest-Vista Host Machine Setup

Step by step guide:
  • Create a host machine folder to share to the guest machine for example in my case - D:\shared2guest
  • Add the folder to the shared folder properties of the Linux guest virtual machine and named it as shared2guest
  • Create a folder at /home/username/shared2guest to be the mount point of the VirtualBox shared folder in the Linux guest
  • So, for the Linux guest in VirtualBox, the command to use the shared folder is " mount -t vboxsf [shared folder name] [mount point]"
  • The command I was using is : " mount -t vboxsf shared2guest /home/noor/shared2guest"

I am by the way, logged on as the root and my linux guest is CentOS 5.4. In other case where you are not, refer to

Friday, January 1, 2010

Installing Tracegraph (tested in Centos 5.2)

Trace graph is a free network trace files analyser developed for network simulator ns-2 trace processing. Trace graph can support any trace format if converted to its own or ns-2 trace format. Trace graph runs under Windows, Linux, UNIX and MAC OS systems. Trace converter processes traces over 80x faster.

1. Download Tracegraph from

2. Select Linux version and download two files :
mglinstaller.gz, tracegraph202linux.tar.gz

3. Copy both files to your home directory i.e /home/user

4. Untar the file tracegraph202linux.tar.gz using this command :
tar zxvf tracegraph202linux.tar.gz

5. Once done, you will have a folder called tracegraph202.

6. Now copy the mglinstaller.gz in /home/user to /home/user/tracegraph202

7. Next, unzip the mglinstaller.gz by using this command :
gzip -d mglinstaller.gz

8. the above command will create a folder within the bin folder and set the
following lines to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable


9. Now copy the lines to your .bashrc file by using either of this command
gedit /home/user/.bashrc
vi /home/user/.bashrc
For root : gedit /root/.bash_profile

10. Now save the file and back to tracegraph202 folder and run tracegraph
using this command :

Error you might encountered :

./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Solution: yum install